At Skin By Lovely in Santa Monica, CA, we understand that you want to recapture your youthful glow and appearance.  After all, we live in the land of eternal sunshine and youth – and if your face doesn’t match the age you feel on the inside, it’s easy to feel like you’re not putting your best face forward.

That’s why our highly skilled medical professionals are offering a new treatment that combines the power of two of the most innovative anti-aging injections around: Restylane and Dysport.  In your search for the ultimate products to erase fine lines and wrinkles, you’ve probably heard of Restylane and Dysport before.  The former is an injectable filler (much like Juvederm), while the latter is a type of botulinum toxin injection, like Botox.  While each has the unique ability to smooth out wrinkles, erase fine lines and increase your youthful appearance, combining the two can accomplish the same results much more quickly and effectively.

So if you’re ready to banish the middle age blues and look younger, then it’s time to learn about combining Restylane and Dysport treatments at Skin By Lovely in Santa Monica, CA!

When you undergo our unique Restylane and Dysport combination treatment, you’ll meet with a highly-trained Skin by Lovely clinical provider, who will help you identify the trouble spots you’d like to erase.  Once you’ve had your consultation, you’ll immediately undergo treatment; where you’ll be treated with this combination of fillers and botulinum toxin.  They call this a ‘lunchtime procedure’, as it quite literally can be performed over your lunch hour.  Bruising and swelling are normal, and generally quite mild and transient.  Make sure that you cease use of products such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or fish-oil 5 days in advance of your treatment to minimize these mild side effects.

Whether you want to ring in 2012 with a new youthful glow or simply want to ‘WOW’ your friends with a younger appearance, check out our unique Restylane and Dysport combination treatment at Skin By Lovely in Santa Monica, CA! Call 310-566-0858 to learn more.