Radiesse has long been associated with reducing and eliminating the appearance of facial wrinkles. However, your face is not the only part of your body that shows signs of aging. The Los Angeles sun causes vulnerable and often unprotected areas, such as your hands, to age and wrinkle at an alarming rate. Skin by Lovely in Santa Monica offers Radiesse as a rejuvenating treatment for your hands.

Why Radiesse?

Unlike other hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, Radiesse actually stimulates collagen production in your skin, boosting its natural elasticity and firmness. This non-toxic and hypoallergenic filler reduces the appearance of both lines and wrinkles on your hands by adding volume, thus enhancing the skin’s texture and making you look more youthful than ever.

Results with Radiesse

Popular in Los Angeles for its long-lasting results, Radiesse commonly lasts two years or longer. The firming effects of the treatment are fully evident within a few weeks following the procedure. Touch ups may be needed over time in order to maintain the skin’s smooth texture and firmness.

Come in to Skin by Lovely today in Santa Monica, and check out the restorative effect that Radiesse can have on your hands.