Our Providers - Dr. Jason Derico - Skin by Lovely
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Sr. Injection Specialist

Meet Dr. Jason Derico

Lake Oswego, OR Sr. Injection Specialist ND He/Him

Dr. Jason Derico is an Oregon-licensed naturopathic doctor with a singular focus and specialized training in aesthetic dermatology.  He is on the editorial board for LearnSkin and a member of the planning committee for the Integrative Dermatology Symposium.  With a passion for evidence-based results, he is constantly reviewing literature for up-to-date knowledge of information about dermatology, aesthetics, and skin care.  His artistic background, attention to detail, and gentle approach provide a solid foundation for beautiful, natural aesthetic results while delivering a superb patient experience.

Q&A with Dr. Jason

How does your experience as a Naturopathic Doctor influence your treatment approach as an Injection Specialist?

I love that I get to add little nutrition tips and advice when discussing skin care with my patients.

I take a holistic approach to health and wellness, so I’m always considering diet and lifestyle when treating patients.

Relationships are most important to me. The vibe I feel with my provider is crucial.

Technique and experience are very important as well, but I need trust and care with the person I allow to treat me.

Simple: Artistic medicine.

Two things I love combined.

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Here’s a few things you can do while you are eagerly awaiting your appointment!

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Patient Experience

Check out our Patient Experience page to see what you can expect at your appointment!

Pre & Post Care

Please review our recommendations for pre & post care in order for you to receive the best out of your treatment!

Feel lovely in your skin.